Wednesday, March 25, 2009


So I can't believe it! I WON something. Not just any something, an awesome something.

A few weeks back, YelpBoston announced that they were having the next Elite event at newly opened Mizu Salon and that three Yelpers were going to get make-overs during the event. All you had to do was send in a creatively written reason why you should get the make-over and they will choose the winners. So, not thinking I would actually get it, I entered and forgot about it.

Yesterday, I found out that I am one of the three! The timing is perfect. I was putting off getting my hair cut for months and then finally set up an appointment for Friday afternoon (which I canceled, natch). This also means that I may finally branch out from that long in the front/short in the back look I have been sporting (and loving) for the last two years.

I also have a bachelorette party that night, which is good and bad. Bad in the sense that I will be missing the pre-party part of the party. (On the other hand, WATCHING people get drunk depresses me, but being around drunk people is not as depressing. So in the end, it is probably better that I am meeting up with everyone after they are properly pissed.) Good in the sense that a new haircut and made-up face is just the confidence-booster I need. It will be nice to walk into a Fanuiel Hall bar and not simply feel older and fatter than the 21-year-old college students who frequent those establishments. It's also a nice way to see people you haven't seen in a few years:)

I'll be sure to post "before" and "after" pictures. Stay tuned!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmm, nothing quite like a night out in Fanny Hall when you're preggers and old to boost your spirits.

Can't wait to see the new look!

10:24 AM  
Blogger Deepa said...

Needless to say, FH was not my first choice... but what can you do? I'll deal with the lines, $10 covers and the fratmosphere once every 5 years for a friend about to get married:)

10:53 AM  
Blogger Kiwi said...

Ooooh yeay, CONRATS dear!!

Def please send us your new look!!! :) Wish I was there to go shopping with you to help complement it ;) hehehe. You always look gorgeous anyway but enjoy the confidence boosting and pampering of it all, and excited to see the results! :) xox

6:12 PM  
Blogger Deepa said...

Aww thanks! I wish you were here too! I had some girl friends come over to help pick our outfits and was missing you:(

If I go with one of the outfits, I will be sporting those blue earrings from Mint Julep!

8:02 AM  

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