Saturday, December 02, 2006

oh christmas tree!

christmas fever has hit josh. the idea of snow makes him giddy, he has broken out the cookie gun and all week the mere mention of a tree caused a grin to erupt on his face. and on this glorious, crisp, sunny winter morning, we donned our coats and bought one:

we went to russo's, which is also where i do all my produce/meats/cheese shopping. i saw celery root there and had to take a picture. the look like aliens....


Blogger Tracey said...

Stop & Shop had that last weekend and I was wondering what it was! Thanks, Deepa! Maybe it's so hard to find because no one knows what it looks like. ^_^
BTW, I have a recipe for mashed celery root I will bring in for you tomorrow.

11:30 PM  

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