Friday, November 04, 2005

a break in my old lady routine

so yesterday i did NOT go straight home to cook, watch tv, talk to josh and fall asleep! i am NOT a monotonous machine! after work, went to the gym (finally), went to the mall with co workers and then to another co workers house for thurday night tv. it seems as though i have a new thursday night group. and although nothing will ever compare to the 6 of us cramming into one tiny apartment watching friends, hating the apprentice, loving the apprentice and eating fajitas, this group is very nice.

i miss those first few months in new york city. i was really happy. the sense of adventure is gone, and all that is left is responsibilty and grownupity.

11/3: coffee, grilled cheese and potato chips (bad), small salad, three cookies / one hour of cardio


Blogger si gracieuse said...

that's ALL you ate?!?!

i miss that time in nyc, too! now you're all the way across the RIVER and i have all this READING and just... waaaahhhh.

3:23 PM  
Blogger Deepa said...

two solid meals! not the most nutritous, i will admit... but the salad was because i was feeling sick after the gym and didn't want to put more grease in my body and we were at the mall and i didn't have much choice there.

10:36 AM  

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