Saturday, September 29, 2007

coffee coffee coffee!!!

some numbers:

time i got out of bed: 8
loads of laundry done this morning: 2
hours spent trying to fugure out how to load printer cartridges into new printer: 2
tv shows i tried to watch before i decided nothing was on and relocated to central sqaure: 7
hours logged working on my freelance project: 3
cups of coffee i had while working on said project: 4
times i listened to the new maroon 5 cd on repeat: 7? maybe 8. it is awesome.
words per minute i am typing while on my jittery coffee high: like a million times infinity
cups of coffee i still have in my french press: 1.5

i may hurl.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Freelance project? I want to hear about it!

11:01 AM  
Blogger Deepa said...

haha, its nothing interesting - just some busy work left over from the summer.

1:12 PM  

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