Saturday, September 08, 2007


so i know it is long overdue, so here is my chicago post!

the wedding was so. much. fun. indian on indian is always a good time, and being on the groom's side was a first for me. it is a lot more exciting than being onthe girl's side. anoop rode the horse and we all danced around him in the holiday inn parking lot in the sun for an hour. the ceremony was the usual, but the reception was a blast. lots of booze, lots of indian music - even josh joined in! it was good to see all the long island kids again. half of us are married now! insanity...

and then - the BABY! my cousin just had a baby girl (last tuesday) so we spent the day after the wedding with my aunt, cousins and their spouses and kids. ashwini is 8, mihir and anika are 3 and malvika is now 10 days old.

My nieces and nephew!




(Ashwini with her baby sister)

(Too cute - right?)


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