Friday, June 08, 2007


works every time - if you just give up on the sox, they come through for you. i watched schilling pitch an ALMOST no hitter yesterday on the elliptical with old wrinkly men and lithe young things cheering on the machines with me. watching the game at the gym will never not be fun. it give you a boost of adrenaline and a great sense of camaraderie while simultaneously letting you be in your own world.

i also talked to the scuba people and they said we could get our money back for everything. phew! i had pictures of selling everything on eBay floating through my head...

AND - i wanted to give a shout out to Bess, who sent me a lovely present last week, which I consumed in like two days. Julie and Julia is about how one women who attempted to revamp her life by cooking all of Julia Child's recipes in Mastering the Art of French Cooking in one year. I loved the writing style and could totally relate to being in a place where you just didn't want to be and trying hard to change your outlook. That being said, I do not have the stomach to cook (or eat) French food. The project did inspire me to branch out, though. I may attempt something like this with a Thai cookbook I bought. Since I can't go diving, maybe I will put all my energy into homemade curry pastes (you know, all the energy my stupid asthma will allow...)


Blogger The not-so-secret geek said...

you should read my life in france by julia child. it will totally make you want to cook french food, and go live in france, and just be awesome. she is completely inspiring.

8:56 PM  
Blogger Deepa said...

ooh - i will check it out! thanks!

all that bone marrow and quartering live lobsters and sauteing livers has put me off - but i will def keep an open mind:)

10:13 PM  

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